Dana Duncan | Wisconsin Disability Specialist Attorney & Social Security Lawyer

Attorney Dana Duncan is a native Wisconsinite whose family has been living in Wisconsin since the 1840s. He has experienced multiple members of his family, including his mother and father, suffering through disabilities that made it difficult or impossible for them to work and subsequently dedicated his life to helping Wisconsin natives with the same challenges his family faced.

He's represented thousands of disabled clients in Social Security Law and workers compensation claims as well as Federal Appeals. He's an Avid Reader and a fan of both the Brewers and the Packers, the latter of which he is a shareholder, as well as an amateur historian who leads a civil war Roundtable and has recently taken up a numismatology (coin collecting).

He lectures on Law and records webinars and training tools for other attorneys and non - attorneys in the field.

Greatest Movie of All Time Podcast: https://gmoatpodcast.captivate.fm/

(715) 423-4000
(888) 458-2406

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